Eric Ryan
Obvious ChampionEric likes to make things. Really nice things. Like soap that smells like unicorns, delicious gummy vitamins, and bandages so pretty you look forward to needing one (well, sort of).
He started out squeaky clean when he and his high school buddy, Adam, launched every designer’s dream soap, method, back in 2001. Together they built it into a global industry leader for both design and sustainability. Because the guy never sleeps, Eric quickly shed his clean rep and shifted from soap maker to pill pusher when he launched OLLY in 2015, a disruptive line of gummies & proteins that shook up the vitamin aisle with smart design and downright deliciousness.
He recently Co-Founded Welly, maker of the finest fabric bandages and ointments, in the cutest stackable tins you’ve ever seen. Really. And if that’s not enough, despite his less than average build (he said it!), this adrenaline junkie is an avid kite-surfer, snow skier, sailor and Dad to three lively kiddos.
Eric has been named an eco-leader by Vanity Fair, an eco-revolutionary by Time Magazine, PETA's Person of the Year, a recipient of the Clinton Global Citizen Award, and was named to Fortune’s 40 under 40 (he is now over 40).